Käthe Zingg-Schwichtenberg Fund

With resources from the Käthe Zingg-Schwichtenberg Fund, the SAMS has supported research projects in biomedical ethics – namely clinical and public health ethics – since 2006. The annual call for proposals is either thematically open and primarily addressed to young researchers, or focused on a specific topic.

2024 call for proposals: Seed Grants for junior researchers

The 2024 call is thematically open and intended for junior researchers in biomedical ethics. KZS Seed Grants allow grantees to explore an innovative research idea, to realize a small, independent pilot project and/or to prepare their own project proposal to be submitted to a larger funding agency. The objective of the call is to support junior researchers in obtaining independent research experience, facilitating the transition to the next step of their academic career.


Participation requirements

Junior postdoctoral researchers with a non-permanent position, aiming at an academic career in biomedical ethics, in particular in clinical and public health ethics, are the main target audience of KZS Seed Grants. Doctoral students can apply if the Seed Grant is meant to facilitate the transition to the postdoctoral period.


Candidates must be active at a research institution in Switzerland by the time of the submission deadline and for the intended duration of the grant. Applications must have a clear ethical focus: The ethical dimension of the project and its relevance for medical practice must be explicitly described in the application.


Funding and framework

For the 2024 KZS call, a total of CHF 250'000 is available. Per Seed Grant, up to CHF 80’000 can be awarded for a maximum period of 18 months. Applicants cannot not apply for more than one grant at a time.


Use of the grant

The grant money can be used to finance the costs of a small, independent pilot project or to generate preliminary data for a research proposal to be submitted to a larger funding agency. It can also cover a portion of the applicant’s salary during the grant period.


Projects must be in the planning stage; funding is not provided for ongoing projects.



Applications meeting the formal requirements will be evaluated in a two-step procedure by the KZS Committee of the SAMS: Written applications are first evaluated based on the evaluation criteria defined in the KZS Fund Regulations, the specifications of the call 2024, and the expected added value of the grant for the candidate’s next career step. Selected applicants are then invited to present their project proposal during an interview with the KZS Committee.


Submission of applications

Applications (in German, French or English) must be registered online. Details on the format and submission procedure can be found on the registration page.


Submission deadline: 1 May 2024


Earliest start of the grant: 1 December 2024
Latest start of the grant: 1 June 2025

Grants must start at the beginning of a month.


Downloads and links

KZS Fund Regulations in French or in German


Online registration


Evaluation Committee (German site)


Synopsis of funded projects




Dr. Myriam Tapernoux
Head of Department
Tel. +41 31 306 92 76