

National MD-PhD program: Call for proposals thanks to new partners

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Since 1992, the SAMS, together with private foundations and until 2024 with the SNSF, has awarded each year a limited number of competitive MD-PhD grants. Thanks to new partnerships with foundations and associated faculties, the national MD-PhD program can be continued. The submission deadline for applications is 15 May 2025.

National MD-PhD fellowships offer young physicians interested in research the opportunity to complete a doctorate in natural sciences, public health sciences, clinical research or biomedical ethics. Thanks to partnerships with foundations and all major medical faculties as well as the EPFL, the program can be continued. The objectives remain unchanged, but the regulations and evaluation procedure have been slightly adapted. The most important changes and all information on application submission can be found in the FAQ and on the program website.

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The SAMS guidelines in use: Collaboration between medical professionals and industry

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For over 50 years the SAMS medical-ethical guidelines provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance on ethically challenging situations in everyday clinical practice. The SAMS illustrates the guidelines on an ongoing basis using concrete practical examples. The current issue focuses on «Collaboration between medical professionals and industry». It is now available on our website in French and in German.

Medical-ethical guidelines need to be put to the test in practice. In this context, not only one's own experiences are important, but also those of professional colleagues. It is for this reason that, since 2018, «Primary and Hospital Care» has published a series of case studies illustrating how various SAMS guidelines can be applied in practice. Previous topics have included for example cardiopulmonary resuscitation, coercive measures in medicine and assessment of capacity in medical practice. As of 2025, the «Gazette médicale» will carry on the series with part 9, dedicated to the collaboration between medical professionals and industry. Download this article here. All the previous articles are available on our website.

Download the article, French version (PDF)

Further information



Workshop on the revision of the guidelines «Coercive Measures in Medicine»

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The Central Ethics Committee of the SAMS has set up a subcommittee to revise the guidelines «Coercive Measures in Medicine». As part of this revision, a discussion on the medical-ethical issues open to all professionals will take place in Berne on 22 May 2025. Registration is open until 30 April 2025.

The workshop, which will be held in French and German, presents the interim results of the revision process and provides a forum for in-depth discussion among experts. Take this opportunity to contribute your expertise to the medical-ethical debate, and play a role in the direction of the revision. Detailed information can be found in the programme (pdf). Participation is free but registration is compulsory.

Programm (PDF)




Federal Health Act: report presents pros and cons

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At the invitation of the Careum Foundation, an event was held on January 9, 2025 in Zurich to debate the pros and cons of a Federal Health Act. Conclusion: the healthcare system needs a «combination therapy» of immediate measures and long-term structural reforms. Find out more about the arguments put forward by the audience in the report published today by Careum.

Having launched the idea of Federal Health Act in 2024, the SAMS accepted the Careum Foundation’s invitation to explore the subject in more detail at an event. Representatives of various stakeholders in the healthcare system discussed the need for a paradigm shift and possible approaches. For further details, please consult the report (in German; French translation available by the end of February 2025) and our topic page.

Download the Report, German version (PDF)

Further information



Update of the Swiss Health Care Atlas with data for 2023

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Our healthcare system gives cause for concern: costs keep rising, the shortage of healthcare professionals is an issue, and the number of chronically ill people is increasing. Can we identify a link between a given service and a region? Are there indicators to examine in order to improve the system? Can services be bundled regionally? The Swiss Health Care Atlas can provide answers to such questions.

The Swiss Health Care Atlas uses over 100 indicators to document the use of health services in Switzerland. Designed as a learning system, it is to be continuously updated. The indicators were recently expanded to include data for 2023. This creates a basis for health services research and can help to plan and manage resources according to needs. The SAMS had co-financed the first version of the Atlas and continues to promote its use. Visit the website for further information.

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Cochrane Library: Renewal of the national licence

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The SAMS renewed the national licence for the Cochrane Library for the year 2025. The Cochrane Library is available free of charge to professionals, but also to the Swiss population, enabling everyone to make informed health-related decisions thanks to reliable information.

The Cochrane network has been working together for almost 30 years to produce systematic reviews without any commercial funding. It summarizes research findings in the field of medical care and serve as a reliable basis for evidence-based medicine. The national licence is financed by the SAMS, the Federal Office of Public Health, the Swiss Medical Association as well as university libraries and hospitals. More information can be found on our website.

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Become a member of the Swiss Young Academy

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The Swiss Young Academy (SYA) brings together young researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines. It creates an inspiring environment for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange. The current call for applications, with submission deadline on 28 February 2025, offers the opportunity to apply for a five-year membership.

The Swiss Young Academy consists currently of 42 members from different scientific disciplines and universities. They are regarded as the young voice of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and can raise concerns relevant to the next generation of researchers. Are you interested in becoming actively involved in the largest scientific network in Switzerland? New members with a background in medical sciences are welcome to apply. Please visit the JAS website for more information on the requirements and application procedure.

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Handover: Arnaud Perrier is now President of the SAMS

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At the beginning of the year, Arnaud Perrier (left) took over the presidency from Henri Bounameaux. The latter will remain on the SAMS Executive Board as Vice President in order to actively support his successor. This ensures continuity within the SAMS.

Arnaud Perrier was elected as the new President of the SAMS by the Senate in June 2024. He has since familiarized himself with the Academy's tasks as a member of the Executive Board. The General Secretariat looks forward to working with this experienced clinician and clinical researcher, who was Medical Director at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) until the end of 2024. Visit our portrait page to get to know all members of the SAMS Executive Board.

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